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Blaming God

by | Feb 2, 2010 | Christianity, Faith, Focus on Living | 0 comments

Recently my wife and I had dinner with another couple. Our paths intersect in the business world and we each have a set of twins. Otherwise, it would appear that we have little in common.

Before we had the opportunity to place our orders, the husband seemed interested in discussing matters of faith as he brought up the subject. He knew we were followers of Christ and said something along the lines that “what we need is faith.”

To say that his wife bristled at the comment would minimize her response, so I asked her to describe her experience.

As a young girl she had believed everything “the church” told her: Do the right things, don’t do the wrong things, say the right prayers and when you become an adult you’ll marry the man of your dreams, share your faith and live happily ever after.

Things didn’t work out the way she expected.  Her husband feigned interest in Christ until after they were married.  He was abusive.  Her life did not meet her expectations.  Now she blames God.

There’s nothing really new here. The blame game goes back to Eden. Adam blamed Eve, but ultimately blamed the God who created Eve for his problems. Eve did likewise. And we do the same today.

Some time ago I had a discussion with another person who maintained that since “God created me with an inclination to sin, my sin is really God’s fault, so it is not sin at all?” Over breakfast another blamed God for a failed marriage. Another is convinced that God doesn’t really care or these circumstances would be avoided.

Blaming God? Is it God’s fault that Adam was disobedient to God’s command that would have protected man from himself? Eve? Me?

Blaming God for putting my faith in an institution instead of him? Blaming God for my temptation to be selfish or to pursue what I want when I want it even though I know it’s not God’s best? Blaming God for the circumstances of life?

I am reminded of the Genesis account of Joseph. Sold into slavery by his own brothers. Falsely accused of immoral behavior. Placed in jail with no apparent way out. Yet there is no record of Joseph blaming God. He remained faithful through it all.


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