Yesterday the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan were contrasted with the teachings of Christ. Today, consider the antics of a group of “Christians” protesting at funerals across the nation.
Today a Missouri judge ruled in favor of Fred Phelps and his group’s right to protest and condemn grieving families at funerals. CNN reported that “a small Kansas church had brought suit over its claimed right to loudly march outside the burials and memorial services of those killed in overseas conflicts. The state legislature had passed a law to keep members of the Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church from demonstrating within 300 feet of such private services.” The Missouri judge overturned the state law because of the potential to violate the free speech of the group of protesters.
Beyond the First Amendment.
For the follower of Christ this is not a free speech issue. The behavior of this group is anything but Christian and they continue to cause damage to the cause of Christ. These are the same type of people I referred to yesterday who brought the woman caught in adultery before Christ recorded in John 8: 3-11. Look at how Jesus responded. Instead of joining in with the crowd of accusers and stoning the woman, He said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
Jesus did not condemn her, but he also did not condone her life. He challenged her to live a new life.
A final thought from Romans 12:17-18
17 Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.