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Tragedy to Horror

by | Nov 12, 2010 | Focus on Living, Forgiveness | 0 comments

I heard about this heartbreaking story earlier this week.  This is the Cincinnati Enquirer’s report:

“A woman died of injuries suffered in the crash of a car driven by her 16-year-old daughter two years ago, but the tragedy turned into a horror story after the girl’s father told the teen she would have to atone for it by taking her mother’s place in his bed, a Clermont County judge was told Tuesday.

The daughter had just received a temporary driver’s license when she wrecked the car while headed to the beach of Harsha Lake at East Fork State Park. Both her parents and her two young sisters were in the car.

Her mother, 39, who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, was killed after being thrown from the car when the daughter turned in front of an oncoming pickup truck at a park entrance.

The girl wasn’t sexually abused until soon after her mother’s death, Assistant Prosecutor Daniel “Woody” Breyer said.

Instead of a father whom she could trust and love, she had “someone who would prey upon her, and victimize her and turn her life into a living hell,” Breyer told the judge.

The emotional abuse the teen suffered included being taken to the dead woman’s grave and being ordered by her father to tell her sisters that she had killed their mother, Breyer said.

The man “gave the children up this morning,” defense attorney George Pattison said, showing the prosecutor an order signed by Juvenile Court Judge Stephanie Wyler. They are in the care of the dead woman’s family.

“My only desire is to be a part of the children’s life,” the father told the judge. “I am truly sorry for what I have done.”

The man was indicted by a grand jury in May after his oldest daughter mentioned to someone that she had been abused since 2008, Breyer said.

The teenager held up a hand to wave goodbye as her father was led away in handcuffs by a deputy sheriff.”

Earlier this week I was asked about why God would allow such things.  Most people are looking for a sound-bite.  There aren’t any.



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