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The Difference Between Believing and Experiencing is….

by | May 28, 2013 | Focus on Living | 0 comments

Read: Psalm 34:8

“Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Psalm 34:8

After living in the Greater Cincinnati area for more than twenty years, on Monday, Patrina and I spent a couple of hours as the “Taste of Cincinnati” walking through the crowds on 5th Street and Fountain Square. It was an opportunity to check out the food booths and taste the food of some restaurants we haven’t visited. Among other things, we tasted the food of Italy, Germany and the Mediterranean.

This evening I came across this quote from Jonathan Edwards who described the “difference between believing that God is gracious and tasting that God is gracious is as different as having a rational belief that honey is sweet and having the actual sense of its sweetness.”

In the verse above, the Psalmist challenges us to do more than read Scripture or listen to a sermon – he challenges us to experience the goodness of the Lord for ourselves.


The rational belief in God based on the truth of the Bible or what others know is valuable, but experiencing Him for ourselves is something else altogether.

The author of Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby, stated that “God speaks through a variety of means. In the present God primarily speaks by the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church.”

Which way will you taste and see today?


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