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Knowing You

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Genuine Hope | 0 comments

I’ve said before that music has been instrumental (pardon the pun) for my life as a follower of Christ. Many years after I first heard his music and his unique voice, I was reintroduced to the music of Matthew Ward some time ago. The lyrics of “Knowing You” paraphrase of much of what Paul wrote in the opening verses of the third chapter of Philippians. I remember playing this song over and over in my car when I first heard it twenty years ago?

All I once held dear built my life upon
All this world reveres, and wars to own
All I once thought gain I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now, compared to this

Knowing you, Jesus knowing you
There is no greater thing
You’re my all you’re the best
You’re my joy, my righteousness
And I love you, Lord

Now my heart’s desire is to know you more
To be found in you, and known as yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn
All surpassing gift of righteousness

Oh to know the power of your risen life
And to know you in your suffering
To become like you in your death my Lord
So with You to live
And never die

Paul counted everything as absolutely worthless compared to knowing – really knowing – Christ.

He let go of his position, his power, his education -Paul was determined that nothing would get in the way of his relationship with the living Christ. It is quite an example to follow.


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