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More than a definition of peace.

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Genuine Hope | 0 comments

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

Romans 5:1

Yesterday, I asked a man in an office if he is prepared for Christmas. His body language was not encouraging and so I asked him about his plans. He responded that at Christmas, he looks for an opportunity to seclude himself from others. He hides. I couldn’t press him further at the moment, but it was clear he fould little of what we consider peace for Christmas.

What does it mean to experience peace? The word translated into our language as peace is most commonly the word, “shalom.” Shalom does mean peace, but it means more. Shalom speaks to our complete wellness or wholeness in our being. It is that wholeness that is God’s design of His plan of salvation to redeem us.

Again and again I am reminded of the contrast described by Jesus in John’s Gospel –

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10

During this Christmas season, many are like the man I mentioned earlier. Instead of peace, there is an emptiness, a void in their lives. As best we can, let’s make the most of an opportunity to point people to the abundant life found in Christ.


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