A few years ago Patrina and I were in Ecuador and we were escorted to the site for the Unsion television towers by Bill McDonald The picture above is a panoramic I stitched together while we were there and Bill asked that we pray Luke 10:2 for the 500,000 people in the valley below. I am sure he prayed that prayer with many others, but I am glad to have experienced the moment in Cuenca.
“And he said to them, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. ”
Luke 10:2
An Itch He Couldn’t Scratch
I’ve heard Bill tell the story of how he was involved in ministry and still felt a need for something more beyond Louisville, Kentucky. His itch drove him to his knees and while he prayed he developed a “dislocated heart” for the people of Ecuador.
As he continued to be dependent on God the result was a “broken spirit”. Remember that like Nehemiah, he spent months before the Lord before taking the next step.
The step into “radical faith” involving Ecuador was still to come but he was willing to move forward in spite of the risks-including convincing his wife of the news. That was more than 20 years ago.
“God is saying today, as He said then, “I’m searching for a man, I’m searching for a woman, and I’m searching for a student who will stand in the gap. Who will build the wall, who will make a difference, who will take a radical step of faith and do something with his or her life.” I believe if we’ll step out – not because we think we are special, but because of who God is and what He has promised – that God will show up! He will use you personally!”
Is there a radical step you can make today?